"Every woman has to find the melody to her own song. When she’s found it, she’s found herself. There is an intimate harmony between her inner and outer self, a harmony called style. The clothes must be forgotten and any impression that something is being worn must disappear. The problem is not to follow fashion. What fashion? You have to follow your path, go toward your own truth. I want liquid fashion, I want the work behind it to be imperceptible. I want everything to flow, color to flow, sentiment to flow, beauty to flow." - Emanuel Ungaro.
Tan fácil, tan bonito. Nosotros somos lo que importamos. Qué irónico que alguien dedicado a vestirnos por fuera remarque la importancia de estar hermosos por dentro. Cursi y así, ya que más da. Sigo sin compu!!! I'm doing my best. Creo que el karma se me está componiendo. Eso me pasa por darlo por sentado tanto tiempo. Prometo no robar más sacapuntas.
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